By Hussain Abbas / @hussainweb
for Drupal Bangalore Mini-camp
That's me
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“BDD is a second-generation, outside-in, pull-based, multi stakeholder, multiple scale, high automation, agile technology.” — Dan North
“BDD is when you use examples in conversations to illustrate behaviour.” — Liz Keogh
“... test software the matters.”
Clients don't care about:
Start Talking
Used everywhere.
#language: en
Feature: Login
Scenario: Login without filling any detail
Given I am on "/user"
When I press "Log in"
And I should see the following <error messages>
| error messages |
| Username field is required |
| Password field is required |
#language: en
Feature: Login
Scenario: Create users
Given users:
| name | mail | status |
| Joe User | | 1 |
And I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role
When I visit "admin/people"
Then I should see the link "Joe User"
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